IPC – Intake

It is an OFFENCE under MFIPPA S48(c.1) to not publish and provide MFIPPA S34 Personal Information Bank Index. https://www.ontario.ca/document/freedom-information-and-privacy-manual/offences-and-liability.


Mr Espinosa,

Can you please advise how you and the IPC “ best serves the purpose and spirit of the Act.” (MIFPPA)?

Can you please advise when you will recognize my right of Appeal and move my file OUT OF INTAKE? Please consider the history of my FOI request:

March 3, 2020 FOI request filed for MFIPPA S34 public records – no fee is required.

Mar 29, 2021, Appeal MA20-00389 Assigned to Intake Analyst A Espinosa.

July 2, 2021 Intake Analyst A Espinosa advises – will issue decision shortly

Aug 2, 2021 Intake Analyst A Espinosa advises – will provide report shortly

Aug 27, 2021 Intake Analyst A Espinosa advises – fee is required, so no appeal rights.

Sept 3, 2021 Intake Analyst Adrian Espinosa advises – will consider Former Assistant Commissioner Tom Mitchinson’s findings in (MO-1353-I ), – no fee is required.

  • and will issue decision shortly

Feb 08, 2022 Mr Espinosa, I am still waiting.

Please consider how much time and effort was spent on this issue – when MFIPPA mandates the provision of S34 public records – without fee or procedures.

Mr Espinosa ” It is also an offence to maintain a secret personal information bank that is not described and made public as required under s.44 FIPPA / s.34 MFIPPA.”

Will you PLEASE UPHOLD MFIPPA and issue a decision shortly?

Thank you

Appellant with MFIPPA rights of Appeal.


File was finally moved to adjudication, the appeal found the Township of South Glengarry failed to maintain S34 index.

The appeal ordered the appellant to file a new request, now that there is a S34 index available here: https://www.southglengarry.com/en/municipal-services/resources/Documents/Personal-Information-Bank-Index.pdf

So if there is an accounts payable index, where is the accounts receivable? Where are residents personal information records being kept?

Clerk Campeau states: __________________

PLEASE NOTE: Clerk’s statement will be published – if and when available